Chairman’s Message
The growth and prosperity of this country depends on the maturity and responsibility of the younger generation.The harmony and peaceful coexistence in the society also is in their hands.They must be be given proper guidance and instill human values to prepare them as the best human resources of the country.The first stage of grooming is to be done in schools and colleges.The colleges should strive to prepare quality individuals and not the factories producing degree holders… Aishwarya college endeavours to educate a new generation of leader’s who will be capable of shaping the future with vision, justice & charity with a sense of calling with concern for all of the human family.
Mr.Ram Devaiah,
From the Principal’s Desk
Aishwarya P.U. College is a place where all people are valued.When your son/daughter joins us we want him or her to be an important part of a wide community that set high standards in academic work,care & respect.As our motto “Dedicated to Excellence,Committed to Excellence,Pride of Excellence…”
We motivate & empower every students to be life long learners,and highly disciplined human beings,the talents,skills & abilities of each students will be identified encouraged so that he/she will be able to reach great heights.We strive to take every opportunity to celebrate success.
This success depends on the commitment of students,staff,management and our partnership with parents,we believe that the partnership between home and college is a key part of a rewarding and happy educational experience.We want to use every opportunity to improve the quality of our students learning experience & aim to create an atmosphere where your son/daughter will matter and achieve to the best of his/her potential.
It is our dream to make every students experience their classroom as invigarating & even inspiring.It is our dream that they will come to know themselves as masters in various fields.
I am delighted and proud to be the principal and a member of such a nurturing college.Let us all offer a special pledge to work together with a new inspiration & united we go all the way to develop & mould the character and future of every student of our college.
About Aishwarya Educational Trust

Aishwarya Educational Trust was established in the year 2011 and located in nature cradle,2km from Kushalnagar town,adjacent to Kaveri Nisarga Dhama.Aishwarya Educational Trust with its unmatched location has been providing quality education with a holistic approach and producing students with character and all round abilities to take on the challenges to excel in the modern world.
The Aishwarya Educational Trust and the faculty work in unison towards its cherished ideals.The clear intention is to equip students with the knowledge and proficiency requisite for creating a niche in the field of education, in a positive way.
The past academic year has seen best performances by our students both in the academic (100% result) and the extracurricular activities.
Academic excellence has been attained without question;with cultural,sporting and spiritual evolution in students simultaneously progressively under the guidance of exceptional facilities.

For a residential college ,what can be a better place than Coorg-the picturesque,hilly district with forest surroundings! With soothing greenery around and a canopy of trees,the location is perfect for world class residential academics.
The climate of this region is an added attraction.It is an 18 acres land on the bank of river Cauvery.
The campus lies in the middle of such greenery,absolutely free from pollution of any kind , located just 2km from Kushalnagar adjacent to Cauvery Nisarga Dhama on the highway side.
Features of Aishwarya Educational Trust

- Co-Education .English Medium.
- Good hostel facility for boys and girls.
- Bus facility for the day scholars.
- Residential teachers to guide & coach the student round the clock.
- Well equipped Science laboratory & good library.
- Computer drome.
- Motivation to write CET,COMEDK,AIEEE & NEET exams.
- Guidance and training for the students to excel in the field of academics,sports and cultural activities.
- Well trained troops of lecturers having in depth knowledge & commitment
- Personality development programs.
- Well furnished college infrastructure
- Next generation learning environment Educomp smart class